About EASEE®
The most common treatment method for epilepsy is medication. However, there are many individuals with epilepsy who don't benefit sufficiently from antiepileptic drugs. If further epileptic events occur despite treatment with two antiepileptic drugs effective for the respective seizure or epilepsy type, it is referred to as "medically refractory epilepsy.".
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Centres of Excellence

The EASEE® System is suitable for individuals with focal epilepsies. Since September 15, 2022, the EASEE® System is CE certified for adults with therapy-resistant focal epilepsies.
The following epilepsy centers have experience with EASEE® or are familiar with data from clinical studies. You can inquire there to determine if EASEE® could be a potential option for you. Children and adolescents can participate in a study that started in July 2023.
Precisis GmbH
Precisis GmbH, based in Heidelberg, specializes in the development of innovative medical devices and is known for its outstanding successes in the field of device-guided brain therapies.

About the Company
The Precisis team develops novel bioelectronic treatment methods that involve directing therapeutic currents into specific target areas of the brain. Depending on the individual situation of the patients, this can activate or inhibit certain brain cells.
About Precisis